Thursday, November 18, 2010

Now that you are done...

What remains in your mind about the book? What lingering questions do you have? What impressions are you left with?

I can't decide what the message of the book is, or if it's a book that just a book meant to be creepy (and therefor, a creepy way), or if there is some BIG theme. I am thinking that if you write a bit about what lingering questions there are, we might figure out the theme (or decide there's not a huge one). :o) MsW


  1. I'm left with the impression that, well I feel like it's not finished. I think that something else was going to happen.

  2. What is left in my mind: when cass is in her box and she is screaming then kyle lets a little bit of dirt fall on her face.
    i think that there should be a second book because i don't think the book was finished. i think that there should be a second book about how cass handles what kyle did to her. i think that there should be a book about what cass does and what kyle does after cass is found.
